Friday, June 4, 2010

Terror Network Episode 3

Episode 3: The Conclusion

March 31, 2010 20:52

Episode 3 again began with an introduction from our local FOX NEWS affiliate that gave information about the shootout at the Hardware Store that “rocked the nation”.

At the beginning of the episode Lev "The Bear" was taken by police and he called Jack for assistance as a reimbursement for his earlier lead about Habib the Chechen drug dealer. Jack simply ignored his pleas and was then reamed out by his boss Deputy Director Pistole for not utilizing local law enforcement in his investigation.

Deputy Director Pistole of the F.B.I.

The group then found out information that led them to believe that their undercover Nadif was to be the second driver in the terror attack; which lead them to begin searching for the other driver. The group quickly find out from differing sources that one driver, Yousef, is going to be a decoy, and that the driver of the real attack is nowhere to be found.

Following this was the investigation of Nadiyah Rahman, the bank teller who was the only contact between Imam Mahammad Kahalil and the local bank. After her door was kicked in she claimed that she was forced to assist the Imam and his cronies and that on three separate occasions her baby had been kidnapped and was not returned back to her until she had agreed to continue helping the Islamists. After being threatened with jail time and with the possibility of being separated again from her baby because of Jack’s threats, Nadiyah became hysterical and fought against Jack when he attempted to take the baby out of her hands. After a brief scuffle the baby was dropped to the ground and Nadiyah was taken out of the house in handcuffs screaming at her neighbors that armed men are trying to kill her and that the police had murdered her baby.

On their way back to the station a large plume of smoke was seen in the distance and the group was informed from their dispatcher that when a team was about to enter the Mosque, on their orders, that Imam Mahammad Kahalil detonated an explosive that destroyed almost an entire city block, including the Mosque and all of the evidence that the team had hoped to recover from there.

When the group got back to the station, Deputy Director Pistole relieved Jack of command and instructed him to take no further part of the case. Lucy was promoted to command the group and grudgingly told Assistant Police Chief Al-Malik about the upcoming Mall of America attack. Al-Malik flipped out and threatened to ignore Lucy and her crew until the operation is over.

After being verbally assaulted by Al-Malik, Lucy set up a meet with the undercover operator Nadif. The group (with Jack incognito) went to meet with Nadif’s while he was driving his 18-wheeler truck in a crappy part of town. However, whenever the team arrived at the meeting place the truck appeared to be abandoned.

Yasabi decided to investigate the truck and when he got up the truck he saw what looked like Nadif’s body laying dead on the seat of the truck with the glass of the window shattered.

Instead of entering the vehicle, Yasabi turned around to call Jack up for assistance with the truck, when he was shot in the upper shoulder from afar. Yasabi rolled under the truck as Lucy exited the car, grabbed her sniper rifle out of the truck, and sought cover in a concrete restroom in the park. As Lucy scanned for the hidden sniper Jack drove the car up to the 18-wheeler and Yasabi jumped in.

Using her sniper training from the military, Lucy took aim at a reflection on a rooftop roughly 500 yards away and squeezed her trigger. After exchanging three rounds with the sniper, the reflection did not reappear and the team cautiously drove up to the building and entered carefully.

Lucy went up the stairs first to inspect her kill and on the roof of the building she found an off-duty S.W.A.T. officer with a sniper rifle lying next to his corpse. The group begins to feel even stronger that someone high-up in the law enforcement food chain is assisting the terrorists and was actively working against them.

When the police arrive at the 18-wheeler they disarm three bobby traps and proclaim that Nadif was indeed the dead man laid out in the truck.

With few leads remaining, the team went to the Crescent Moon Bakery, which was only a few block from the recently destroyed Mosque. The Crescent Moon Bakery was the former employer of Jalal Turk, the man who was first captured and it was also supposed to be where Nadif was to receive his final instructions. With nothing to lose and with time running out, Lucy entered the bakery from a rear entrance and Yasabi entered the store from the front.

In a back storage room, Lucy rummaged around, found some incriminating evidence, but unfortunately she found nothing solid. Nothing that is, until a cell-phone vibrated in a desk drawer. Unable to muster enough courage to answer the phone, Lucy waited until the phone stopped ringing, she waited for the vibration alert that a message had been left and then she flipped-open the phone. Lucy was shocked when she heard the enraged voice of Assistant Police Chief Al-Malik chastising whom he thought was the second truck driver wondering where he was and stating that he had altered his troops’ locations so that the attack could proceed as planned.

With the incriminating evidence in hand, Lucy snuck back to her car only to find that Yasabi had a handcuffed Somali in the backseat of their car whom he explained was their mysterious second driver: Ishan Yousef.

Lucy called Deputy Director Pistole of their find and he shocked them by telling them that he was not surprised. Pistole told the team that the F.B.I. had been watching Al-Malik for the last four years in regards to terrorism but never had enough evidence to prosecute. Pistole then told the team that they had done a great job and that the F.B.I. already had Al-Malik in custody and that the threat from him was over.

Pistole then informed the team that Lucy would keep her promotion as head of the Minnesota F.B.I., Yasabi would be returned back to the Mossad with a huge monetary thank you to the Israeli government, and that Jack was going to be sued by Nadiyah Rahman for the wrongful death of her son and would be placed on indefinite leave . Pistole reassured Jack that he would do everything in his power to help him but noted that there was a chance that Jack could spend some time in jail.

However, there was no word about the missiles that our Delta Force team heard about just a few weeks ago. Perhaps the higher-up will allow Delta Force to intercept them before they can be put into use against America, her allies, or her interests…

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